I completed almost every exercise from Chapter 1 to Chapter 24. I couldn’t solve 7.31, 15.11, 15.27, 16.4, 16.18, 19.12, 20.9, 20.20, and 24.10. At this moment, I do not plan to do any further exercises.
While I try my best to do all the exercises myself, I do not take full credit for all the solutions. Several external sources which I consult frequently include the Math StackExchange network, the MathOverflow network, a partial suggested solution manual written by Frederic Wang, and notes written by J. D. Monk. I also repeatedly refer to the books The Higher Infinite (2003) by Akihiro Kanamori, Set Theory (2011) by Kenneth Kunen, and occasionally Combinatorial Set Theory: With a Gentle Introduction to Forcing (2018) by Lorenz J. Halbeisen. For exercises related to Boolean algebras, I also refer to Introduction to Boolean Algebras (2009) by Steven Giant and Paul Halmos. Sometimes, an exercise is adopted from a theorem proven in a cited paper which Jech would include under the Historical Notes section at the end of each chapter. I would also refer to those papers if I’m stuck, and if I couldn’t find help in the sources listed beforehand.
I do not claim that my solutions are fully correct. I attempted these exercises to better understand the concepts in the same chapter, so I do not verify the correctness of most solutions here. There may be grammatical errors in my solution, as English is not my native language and I was not careful when writing my solutions. If you spot any errors or typos or have any queries in general, feel free to drop me an email at clement.yung@mail.utoronto.ca.