I’m mostly working on set theory and Ramsey theory. In particular, I’m interested in studying Ramsey theory in topological Ramsey space-like spaces, where the pigeonhole principle fails. I’m also interested in expanding the framework of local Ramsey theory to such spaces.
- Full mad families of vector spaces and unconditional weak A2 spaces, in progress.
- Weak A2 spaces, the Kastanas game and strategically Ramsey sets, submitted. arXiv.
- MAD families of Gowers' infinite block sequences, arXiv.
- Weak A2 spaces, the Kastanas game and strategically Ramsey sets, Logic Seminar, University of Waterloo (Feb 2025). Slides.
- An alternative proof to the Mathias-Silver theorem using the Kastanas game, CMS Winter Meeting 2024, Richmond (Nov 2024). Slides.
- Weak A2 spaces, the Kastanas game and strategically Ramsey sets, Logic Seminar, University of Maryland (Oct 2024). Slides.